Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wisdom of the Ages

Recently I was blessed to spend an afternoon with my mom, two aunts and one of my uncles. This opportunity reminded me how incredible it is to spend time with them and hopefully learn from their wisdom. I realized how much love and respect they deserve and how fortunate I am to have them in my life.

I’ve heard that if you were a mean young person you will just grow up to be a mean old person. But if you were a sweet and kind young person then you will grow up to be a sweet and kind old person. I am so thankful and blessed that my family is the later.
It seems that society is deteriorating and so many people are impatient, unkind and inconsiderate of others. Yet, when I spend time with my elderly family, I am challenged to be more like them.

One thing I’ve observed is they have their priorities in order. They live their lives committed to God first, family second, and other relationships third. Other things such as career, ambitions, entertainment and the pursuit of wealth are secondary to their personal relationships with God and others.

As they have lived out their lives in love and obedience to the Lord they have walked a life worthy of praise and admiration. The purity in their lives is evident. They speak with respect, kindness and love. Their words edify, affirm, and build others up. Their words remind me of the Bible verse  “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” Proverbs 25:11.

They how shown me how important it is to keep my priorities in order. They value their family relationships and encourage the young people to love one another and stay connected. They take interest and encourage each of their siblings, children, and extended family members. What joy it brings me to know that they each value me and are truly interested in my life.

They pour their love into the lives of others. When people are hurting they are there to help, encourage, serve and even grieve with them. They are also there to rejoice and celebrate with their family and friends during times of great joy.  Often their love has been poured out on others and me around the table. My southern family could put Paula Dean or for that matter any cook out of business if they so desired.

In today’s fast faced paced world, my generation and the generations following are much more self -centered than what I observe in my elders. As I listen to them and watch their lives I can see that my elders have faced many of the same life challenges and struggles that are so common to each of us. Yet, I observe that they are much more forgiving, generous, and patient with others.

I first find myself thinking it is wisdom that comes with age. But does a person’s character change with age? I think not. I don’t think that a person will just wake up one day and be a much more loving, forgiving and caring individual. It’s not the maturing brought about by age, but rather it is the maturing brought on by the power of God in their lives.

Perhaps that is the difference. My elders have experienced many challenges, heartaches, and joys and through each of these life experiences they have determined to follow after the Lord no matter the cost.

So often the younger generation dismisses the challenges that the elderly have faced because they make it look so easy. But to the contrary, it is never easy to loose a love one whether it is a sibling, parent, spouse or child. It is never easy to struggle financially. It is never easy when someone you believed in betrays a trust.

I find myself asking, “Will I forgive others as readily as my mother? Will I give to others and go without like my aunt has? Will I trust the Lord when life seems unfair?” To answer my question is to follow the example my elders have modeled for me. The answer to such wisdom is not with age but in a decision to follow the Lord no matter the cost.

The reward will be a life of peace and a life spent pleasing to the Lord. To be a woman such as the woman in Proverbs 31: 28, “ Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her”. I aspire to be that woman. I do see that woman in my own mother and it is my desire to be that woman too.

I desire to be a woman after the Lord’s heart. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30.

In the end I want to hear the Lord God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”.


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